

The lovely Julie over at Peach Picking has featured me on her blog!
How sweet of her. I thought I would return the favour by featuring her on mine.
I've had a browse and she has some beautiful, customisable items on her etsy shop juliepeach.
Such bright colours and quirky designs. I especially love the hand illustrated pear blossom tea towel (bottom right). Have a look for yourself. They would all make really lovely gifts.



What I Wore Today

13.07.10 - what i wore today

It's taken me a while to get around to updating this blog, I thought after college was over I'd have some spare time, but it's been a non-stop bombardment of activity. Nevermind, it'll do me some good. I get lazy when I haven't got much on.
I fancied a little drawing of oneself. I forgot to include the big spot currently housed on my face.

This is for this Flickr group and for practise and for great fun and for the sake of it.


It is complete.
We hung our show at the college and our private view was last week.
This is my submission, which, when combined with prep work, is worth 40% of my overall mark;

I designed and produced a set of 10 packs of temporary tattoos.

The idea behind these was to use the medium of temporary tattoos in a way that trancends mere images on the body. I wanted to combine ironic humour with thoughtful juxtapositions which may baffle and confuse some and at the same time enlighten and inspire others. These are not about random images, each tattoo has a meaning, yet it is the wearer and the viewer who decide on it's intended meaning.

I was very pleased to receive a Distiction grade for this, which is the highest grade available! 

An unlimited supply of all these tattoos are for sale on my etsy site:

I also hope to make more versions in the future.

For more pictures of the private view, and my fellow students work visit my class blog at:

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